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DEC 70-31490-01 16BIT Ultra Wide RAID Personality Module

Cable supply is limited, please assume no cable is included (and if we have any cables we will ship them)...


DEC DEFBA-M DECswitch 900EF Plug-In Module for DEChub-900 MultiSwitch

The DECswitch 900EF module improves the configuration flexibility of your network by easily integrating Ethernet and FDDI LANs within a single standalone or hub-based architecture. It provides the switching of up to six Ethernets and high-speed FDDI networks. In addition, it can also support local layer 3 routing on a per-port basis, if desired. It has six Ethernet switched ports and one FDDI port - providing full switching and/or routing capability among each of the six Ethernets and an FDDI LAN. The DECsw..


DEC BA35X-HA Power Supply Module, 131 Watts

DEC StorageWorks (70-29764-01) also p/n BA35X-HA, 131 Watt SSB Hotswap Harddrive Enclosure Power Module. The module operates and is supported in, RA450, BA356, and BA35X enclosures...
